How to pickup Trackside on Freeview

Trackside 1 and Trackside 2 are available to watch for free on Freeview channels 23 and 24. Watch them through the Freeview Streaming TV app, or tune in through a UHF aerial in selected metro areas (see which areas on the channel page).

Not sure if you're tuned in through a UHF aerial? Here’s how to tell.

With a UHF aerial, your TV should automatically pick up those channels; if it doesn't, you can retune your TV.

If you’re tuned in through a satellite dish, Trackside 1 and Trackside 2 are not available on your TV. You can use the Freeview Streaming TV app instead to watch those channels. The app is available on most 2018+ Smart TVs and on SmartVU dongles.

Network Status

All Good
All Good

If you've lost Sky Open (ch15), eden+1 (ch18), Bravo+1 (ch9) and Al Jazeera (ch20), please see here.

Some issues

Trackside 1 Stream: Some Panasonic TV's are having issues with audio on the Trackside 1 stream. This is being investigated by the broadcaster directly.

All Good

Note: The UHF and Satellite network status info is provided directly by transmission providers and broadcasters.