12:30 AM
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Mad About Marriage

Money is a big argument for many couples. Financial expert Greg Johnson, founder of New Era Financial Services, offers some advice on how to stop those arguments on this episode of Mad About Marriag website
1:00 AM
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Stupid Money

Most of us would love to have more money, but sometimes we make stupid decisions with it. Join the team to unpack how to stop making stupid decisions and be smarter with your money.
1:30 AM
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An exploration of the animal kingdom, FLIGHT offers a compelling look at the design and purpose woven throughout the fabric of life on Earth
2:30 AM
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Cross Connection - Mark

Have you ever had a problem that no-one but Jesus could help you with? Mark's gospel shares several stories of people who went to extraordinary lengths to get to Jesus website
3:30 AM
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Loma Linda 360

Helping others is at the core of the Loma Linda mission. In this program we journey to the Amazon providing healthcare to those who live in remote villages along the river. website
4:00 AM
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It Is Written

War and unrest have long troubled the city of Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Events which occurred in Sarajevo started WWI. But a greater trouble shakes the world right now, the Greatest War.
4:30 AM
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7th Street Theatre

7th Street Theatre is a series about five Christian actors who perform a weekly stage show for their community. Today Andi has an idea for the cast members to try. website
5:00 AM
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A Closer Walk

The Philippines is one of the areas of the world hardest hit areas by natural disasters. The ADRA staff help the locals with a hand up and find the people have a faith stronger than any storm website
5:30 AM
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Cross Connection - Mark

Mark opens his gospel with the words, "The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ"; but what is that 'good news website
6:30 AM
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Live at Psalter Studio

Kathryn started playing piano when her parents brought one home that they had rescued from the local tip! website
7:00 AM
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Bible Heroes Battle

Contestants compete against each other in Bible trivia to see who is worthy to face off against the Hero Samson.
7:30 AM
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Too Cute

Welcome to a world where cuddly knows no bounds, a place filled with new beginnings. Follow puppies from their first calls, to adventures with new friends - West Highland Terriers
7:50 AM
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The Tuis

On todays episode of The Tuis, they discover that banicoots aren't the best actors or pets, But they can be good for other things.
8:00 AM
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Go Healthy For Good

Today's episode is part 3 of a series of 4 episodes devoted to helping you with ways to boost your Immunity naturally.
9:00 AM
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Unveil the truth about myths and endless speculations that threaten to distort the core message of Christianity. Join Shawn Boonstra in a riveting exploration of how strange ideas can divide churche
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Answers In Genesis

If the global flood cataclysm really occurred as described in Genesis 7, then what evidence would we look for? In this illustrated lecture, Dr Andrew Snelling digs for solid evidence website
10:30 AM
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Mad About Marriage

Money is a big argument for many couples. Financial expert Greg Johnson, founder of New Era Financial Services, offers some advice on how to stop those arguments on this episode of Mad About Marriag website
11:00 AM
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Hope Sabbath School

Why did Jesus teach using parables? This lesson endeavors to draw out the principles from the parables of The Sower, The Lamp, The Measuring Basket, and The Seeds.
12:00 PM
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Indestructible Love

God's indestructible love for us is so great that He died in our place! His love is real and His forgiveness is a gift to us that we can never earn. You have been redeemed! Woo Hoo!
12:30 PM
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Lifestyle Magazine

Musician and opera singer Jonathan Cilia Faro has used his own life trauma to spread hope to others through his musical talents
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God So Loved the World -Autumn

Music, the gift that lifts our spirits, combined with the beauty of nature with a backdrop of autumn colours. Join these young people as they tackle some of life's toughest questions website
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Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis

This series presents evidence that supports the biblical account of creation, and offers defensible answers to some of the most provocative and controversial questions of faith and science.
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Heaven Cares

Join Randy Roberts in this series called Heaven Cares. The Island of Patmos and John's Vision of Revelation is the focus point for the series.
3:00 PM
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Music In My Life

Charmain Elliott looks at how music has enabled people to find meaning in their life and to find their identity once again. website
3:30 PM
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Unveil the truth about myths and endless speculations that threaten to distort the core message of Christianity. Join Shawn Boonstra in a riveting exploration of how strange ideas can divide churche
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Bible Heroes Battle

Contestants compete against each other in Bible trivia to see who is worthy to face off against the Hero Samson.
4:30 PM
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Too Cute

Welcome to a world where cuddly knows no bounds, a place filled with new beginnings. Follow puppies from their first calls, to adventures with new friends - West Highland Terriers
4:50 PM
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The Tuis

On todays episode of The Tuis, they discover that banicoots aren't the best actors or pets, But they can be good for other things.
5:00 PM
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Go Healthy For Good

Today's episode is part 3 of a series of 4 episodes devoted to helping you with ways to boost your Immunity naturally.
6:00 PM
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Cross Connection - Mark

Mark opens his gospel with the words, "The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ"; but what is that 'good news website
7:00 PM
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Hope Church

Before the Flood, God sent a warning through Noah. Before Ninevah, He sent Jonah. Join us as we learn about the final warning God is sending today, before Jesus's soon return.
7:30 PM
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Who Is Jesus

Actor Bruce Marchiano shares the insights he learned from playing Jesus in the movie of Matthew's gospel. Today, he introduces us to the disciple Matthew. website
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Table Talk - Hard Questions

The team at Lightbearers Ministry get together round the table to answer some of the hard questions about God and the Bible, such as "Is the Bible really the word of God?" website
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Mad About Marriage

Money is a big argument for many couples. Financial expert Greg Johnson, founder of New Era Financial Services, offers some advice on how to stop those arguments on this episode of Mad About Marriag website
9:30 PM
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Stupid Money

Most of us would love to have more money, but sometimes we make stupid decisions with it. Join the team to unpack how to stop making stupid decisions and be smarter with your money.
10:00 PM
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The Pilgrims Way

David starts this final episode in Tewkesbury Abbey, one of the best kept secrets in Britain. Tewkesbury would almost certainly have ended up a ruin like Whitby or Tintern Abbey
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It Is Written

It's considered to be the most important invention of the last 1000 years. Today's flow of information and news simply wouldn't be possible without Johannes Gutenberg's printing press website
11:30 PM
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Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis

This series presents evidence that supports the biblical account of creation, and offers defensible answers to some of the most provocative and controversial questions of faith and science.